Join us in the multi-purpose room right after the worship service on Sunday, March 23, 2025, for games, snacks, and a chance for youth and young adults to hang out and build community. Others are welcome to stop by as well to “meet and greet” our new Youth Ministry Team, which is now under the direction of our new Youth Ministry Director, Malik Johnson.
Join us at 2 o’clock on Sunday, April 13, 2025, as we celebrate the ordination of six new deacons. Beginning their ministry of Christ-led service to others will be Jeneen Butler, Peter Jackson, Pamela “Queen” Lovelace, Calvin Taylor, Earl Thomas, and Roceda Thompson.

At 10 a.m. each Sunday morning, we invite you to join us in person or on-line for a service of worship. Most Sundays, the service includes a time of music, scripture reading, a sharing of announcements about upcoming events and opportunities, and a message from Pastor Aaron L. Dobynes, Sr.
NEW: Click here (or use the top menu) for live streams as well as previously recorded videos of Sunday morning services, special events, and funerals.

You can learn about our congregation’s remarkable history by clicking here.
In cooperation with Micah Ecumenical Ministries, Shiloh Old Site provides a free breakfast for individuals in the community every Wednesday morning from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Anyone interested in a nourishing meal is welcome. Volunteers from the congregation cook, serve, and greet our honored guests. Anyone interested in serving as a volunteer is invited to contact the church office at 540-373-8701.

Like Christ, we at Shiloh Baptist Church (Old Site) in Fredericksburg, Virginia, strive to be God’s “living word” in a hurting world. Like Christ, we seek to extend an inclusive embrace to those who have been beaten down, pushed aside, or locked out. Like Christ, we try to serve as Spirit-led agents of God’s healing power and transforming love.
We offer both an in-person and on-line service each Sunday at 10 a.m. Either Pastor Aaron Dobynes, Sr., or another minister provides a biblical message. Also included in the service is an abbreviated time of prayer and scripture reading, accompanied by some music and community updates.
Visitors and guests are always welcome.
Please note that we primarily enter and exit through a recessed glass door that is just a little to the left of the double red doors that face the sidewalk.
Our sanctuary is on the second floor. After entering through the glass door, you can turn to your left and ride up on our elevator. Or you can turn to the right and walk up the main double staircase.
Although the wearing of face masks is optional, some of us do wear masks when we’re together in the building. It’s a way of protecting and caring for each other, knowing that Covid and other diseases are often spread before we know that we’re infectious.
On-line links to the most recent Sunday morning worship services, special events, and funerals can be found by clicking here.
In a world that too often pursues lies and seeks to enforce its own self-serving illusions, God’s people must lift up the truth, lest we be numbered among that “rebellious breed” that has “eyes to see but sees not” and has “ears to hear but hears not” (Ezekiel 12:1–2)
To discover an instance of racial injustice that happened today in history, click here.
We’re thankful for your financial support
Contributions for the ongoing ministry of this haven of hope can be made securely on-line. Just click the button found below. Or you can go to: https://onrealm.org/shiloholdsite/give.
You can also give by text message. It’s secure and easy. Just send a text to 73256. Type ShilohOldSite (all one word) followed by $Amount. The first time you give this way, you’ll be asked for contact and payment information. You won’t need to enter that information for subsequent gifts.
Midweek Bible studies
We offer a Tuesday evening Bible study, available via Zoom or phone. It starts at about 6:30 p.m. The Bible study is normally led either by Pastor Aaron Dobynes or by another member of the congregation. To join by Zoom, click here. The meeting ID is 964 4914 8437 and the passcode is 801.
Another way of getting access to the Tuesday evening Bible conversation is by phone. Dial (not toll-free) 301-715-8592. The meeting ID is 964 4914 8437 and the passcode is 801.
We offer an in-person Wednesday evening Bible study on the first Wednesday evening of each month, normally led by our pastor, the Rev. Aaron Dobynes, Sr. The hour-long Bible study begins at 6:30 p.m.
Saturday morning church school
Each Saturday morning at 10 a.m., we offer an adult-oriented “Sunday school” class. Each session focuses on a specific passage of scripture and is led by a member of our congregation. You’re invited to join the conversation by placing a toll-free call at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning to 877-853-5257. The ID is: 975 7280 3450. The passcode is 801.
Sunday morning children’s church
Most Sunday mornings at 10 a.m we offer a fun and educational children’s church program. It’s held in our lower-level multi-purpose room. All children are welcome. It lasts until the conclusion of the Sunday morning worship service.
Mid-day prayer services
At 11:30 a.m. each Monday and Wednesday, we offer a dial-in prayer service. It’s a time for sharing concerns for the well-being of all in our congregation, our community, and our world, lifting our hearts to our compassionate and ever-faithful God, who hears our cries and feels our tears, strengthening our lives so that we might continue to minister to others with wisdom and grace. The dial-in number is 605-313-4454. The password is 351600#. s

Welcome to a spiritually empowered haven of hope
Since 1854, we at Shiloh have tried to manifest the spirit of Christ, faithfully serving others as God’s liberating and transforming word. We’re located at 801 Sophia Street, on the river in downtown Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401.
Our historic building on the river in Downtown Fredericksburg is badly in need of exterior repairs and renovations to protect our ability to continue serving as a beacon of hope for all who are in need of Christ’s love and grace. The cost of the work is likely to be in excess of $175,000. We invite you to contribute to this project. Specially designated online gifts can be entered by CLICKING HERE.