Web content copyright © 2015 by Shiloh Baptist Church (Old Site), 801 Sophia Street, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401

Things to know

Pre-service devotions

A devotional time is included each week prior to our 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services. Normally it starts about ten or fifteen minutes beforehand in the sanctuary. Normally it is either led by two of our deacons/deaconesses or led by two of our youth.

This informal worship time includes a capella singing, personal sharing, scripture reading, and prayer. All are welcome to participate.

About the music you'll hear at 11 a.m.

Normally the music pattern at our 11 a.m. worship services is as follows:

On the first Sunday of each month, our Senior Choir provides the music, usually with  organ accompaniment.

On the second Sunday of each month, our Men's Chorus provides the music, accompanied by piano or keyboard and sometimes saxophone.

On the third Sunday of each month, our Mass Choir typically provides the music, usually accompanied by keyboard and other instruments.

On the fourth Sunday of each month, our youth choir often provides the music, accompanied by keyboard and other instruments..

On fifth Sundays, our L. A. Davies Chorale provides the music, accompanied by piano.

There are often deviations from this schedule. And our choirs will sometimes switch places with each other.

Prayer services and afternoon and evening services

Except during the summer or holiday periods, there's a Bible study each Tuesday morning from 11 a.,m. to 12:30 p.m. The Tuesday Bible study is held in the Shiloh Old Site "Annex," which is the small building next door to the main church building. Its address is 811 Sophia Street.

There is a "prayer service" almost every Wednesday evening from 5:45 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. This includes times of personal sharing, prayer, singing, scripture reading, and the like. It's followed at 6:30 p.m. by Bible studies for both adults and youth.

From time to time, we have special services on Sunday afternoons as well. And at least once a year, we also schedule a few services on weekday evenings. These special services typically feature guest speakers and guest choirs.


Audio samples

Click to listen:

Amazing Grace (instrumental selection during our "moment of meditation")

I Need Thee Every Hour (sung before a sermon by Pastor Aaron Dobynes Sr., with the congregation joining in)

Let All the People Praise Thee (congregational hymn)

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow (congregational doxology)

Worship that is vibrant, rooted, meaningful


At 11 a.m. on Sundays, our fullest worship service

If you are looking for the fullest possible worship experience, join us on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. This is the service with the largest participation and it includes the widest range of worship experiences.

Each 11 a.m. service includes multiple musical selections by one or more of our different choirs (the Senior Choir, the Men's Chorus, a youth choir, the Mass Choir, or the L.A. Davies Chorale). As a result, the musical style varies a bit from week to week, depending on which choir is singing. Accompaniment is by organ, piano, or electronic keyboard, depending on the choir and musical selection. Sometimes there is additional accompaniment on saxophone and/or percussion.

Most of our 11 a.m. services conclude sometime between 12:30 and 1 p.m.

Sermons are normally provided by our pastor, the Rev. Aaron L. Dobynes, Sr. We occasionally have a guest speaker or one of other ministers may speak.

Communion at the Lord's Table and an extending of the "right hand of fellowship" to new members is included on the first Sunday of each month.


At 8 a.m. on Sundays, a briefer worship service

If you are looking for a briefer worship experience or wish to attend a service earlier in the day, you are invited to participate in our 8 a.m. worship service.

Music at the 8 a.m. service is regularly provided by the Shiloh Old Site Mass Choir. The Mass Choir is typically accompanied on electronic keyboard, with additional accompaniment by guitar and percussion.

The main feature of each 8 a.m. service is the sermon by our pastor, the Rev. Aaron. L. Dobynes, Sr. Occasionally there is a message by special guest speaker or one of other ministers.

Most of our 8 a.m. services conclude around 9:30 a.m.

Communion at the Lord's Table is included on the first Sunday of each month.

Video excerpt from a 2015 service

This excerpt is a slightly abbreviated version of our 11 a.m. service on Sunday, February 8, 2015, including music, prayers, scripture, and a message by Pastor Aaron Dobynes on the subject, "Don't Get Weary," using as his text Ephesians 6:9. The music is provided by our Men's Chorus.